Jumat, 04 Juli 2008

Anti Deface Friendster


Deface is an action that change your homepage with something like text or picture, this is because of in your homepage there are some weakness.
Sometimes friendster is one of the defacer target, they usually try to deface by sending you a message which contain codes like HTML code.

if your friendster page have been defaced, you can do this way:

1. Choose setting(on the right above the your friend feature)
2. You'll go to new page and see at privacy setting
3. you'll see 'safe mode' option
4. Choose "yes" at 'safe mode' option (Don't forget Save setting)
5. Go to your page and search some strange comment(usually contain HTML code)
6. After you find it, DELETE it!
7. Go to setting again and choose "no" at 'safe mode' (Don't forget Save setting)

Why must I change option 'yes' into 'no' on seventh step?
because at safe mode you can't have a cooment contains HTML code, may be your friends send you pictures. If you choose "safe mode= yes", that picture won't be appear.

How can I protect my friendster home page?(avoiding deface)

1. Choose setting(on the right above the your friend feature)
2. You'll go to new page and see at privacy setting
3. You'll see option Approve comments automatically
4. Choose never at that option
5. Don't forget save setting

Now, if you have a comment you'll be told when you log in into your friendster account, and you can see new comment before it will be appear at your page, you must accept that comment.
Don't Accept some strange comment from unknown which contain HTML code.
Only accept comment from your confidant.

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